Friends are forever

Friends are forever

Friends are forever

Friends are forever,
Who leave us never.
Who scold us and do care,
Those friends are forever.

Whom we love like a mother,
with we do fun like sister.
Who advice us like brother,
Whom we respect like a father.
Who laugh at us,
and in our problem are serious.
For us who are precious.
Whoose friendship is like a beer.
Those friends are forever..

We cry in their grief,
To see them in blessings,
We feel relief...
Who always love us and do care.
Whoose company is like a fever.
Those  friends are forever.

The dark and deep night

The dark and deep night
gloomy night

"Dark night and deep silent.
my heart  is sheding tears ,
but eyes are emotinless.

Night is saying everything,
but lips are wordless.

Why is this deep and dark night?
This world is gloomy,
and there  no hope in my eye sight..

Ohh! god where are you?
Ohh! sun where are you? 
I want to smile,I need sunshine.
A peace of mind,a problem free life.

A joy of my owns,
some moment of priceless.
Hoping of dreams 
and a night of cryless.

Ohh! moon where are you??
This night is burning without you.
I am missing your cold and white light.
A ray of hope,which make this night bright.
Your innocence face and 14 arts.
A night of happiness which you makes smarts.
Company of your always gives me relief,
In my pain,when I am alone,
When everyone is giving grief..
When this life is worthless...

I need you......
I need you......
Ohh god I need you,I need you.
Ohh! sun I need you,
Ohh moon I need you.......

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Zla India,the voice of your heart.Stay tuned always with Stories and poetries whoose hero would be you.Some feelings that attach your heart....๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

The Wind and He

The Wind And He

wind blowing like him

O Blowing Wind! 
You are like him.
Gentle and kind.
Innocence and slow,
somtimes a fast flow.

You touch me and spill my hair,
He touch my soul,
and spill my sorrow.
A person of beauty and fair.

O Blowing Wind!
You are not so cool,
Aperson of my peace,
Who owns my heart and rule.

You are remembered,
in summer and sun.
He is a cool waft,
and my life"s whole fun.
I never forget him,
he is my weather.
My spring,summer and winter.
You are needed only in hot weather,
Not in a cool icy winter.

O Blowing Wind!
You are like him 
in really something.
In a storm and danger,
In a fast and moving unstopable.
His anger and wrath,
tears are in my eyes and unbearable..

O Blowing  Wind!
You are like him,
Gentle and kind.
O Blowing Wind!

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• ZLA INDIA the voice of your heart.Stay tuned always with poetries and stories whose heroes would be you.Some feelings that attach your heart.๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

The Moon And You


comparision between moon and him

"One day I said to you-"You are very beautiful."
I still remember that night,You smiled with silence.
your innocence little smile, that gives me encourages to live.
In my heart your smile is still alive."

"It seems that the moon of sky is saying today-

This world says me beautiful,and you just him.
How much love everyone has for me,sees his beloved in me.
And you see whole universe in him,your all love
starts with him and ends with him."

"One day I and he will come together,then I will ask you.
Who is more beautiful I or he??"

"My heart said silently after seeing the moon-
You are beautiful but not like him,you have a stain.
And he is innocence and beautiful my moon.
I miss him when see you,but never miss you when see him.
Your fourteen arts are nothing before him,
When he smile once for me.
His smile gives me life.
If he is not ,you just give me tears,
My smile does not  come from being of you,
It comes only because of him."

"One day you come with him,you will be illuminate by his light.
I need not you,If he is with me
Because my moon is with me..
I wish! It came a day,When my moon would be higher than you.
Let it happen!
My moon is higher than you.
Let it happen!
My moon is higher than you.

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Zla India-The voice of your heart.Stay tuned always with stories and poetries,whoose heroes will be you.Some feelings that attach your heart.......๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

You And Me In That Night


our silent conversation

"In that night you said-
this heart is wierd,often questioning
the answers do not matter."

And I give you a quite silent answer-

"If you keep quite then does this heart,
will stop questioning??
My silence that asks questions,
How long will you hide that??"

"You do not want to beleive in yourself,
That' s why you  just have said-

"we have seen big promises of love,
start to end,break s every promise."

"It seems that you had not trust on you,but i had
trust on you more than myself. 
I said in my heart-
"Why do you think,i will break your promises?
Is anyone break promises with yourself??"

"This silent conversation of ours was going on till mid night."

"I wish! That evening back again.
I wish! That evening back again.."

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Zla India ,The voice of your heart...Stay tuned always with poetries and stories whoose hero will be you.Something that attachs hearts....๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

The Rain and You


rain and you are mine

"The words of my pen flow from you to you.
Sometimes it seems that you are like rain.
How many times,you have soaked me without drops of rain."

"How many times,I have gathered you on the palms in form of  drops of this rains.
How many times,I have said you that you are my wealth because these drops 
on my palms is mine.
Whenever this rain will come,you will be always of mine.
I will have the same feelings on my palms that will be yours.
For centuries,You will be remebered  on this occasion as it rains.
This rain and you are the same.
This rain and you are the same.

This rain and you are the same,
Because this rain and you both are mine....

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Zla India,The voice of your hearts.Stories and poetries ,whose heroes you are.Stay tuned always with us,Some feelings that attach your heart.......๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

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