The dark and deep night

The dark and deep night
gloomy night

"Dark night and deep silent.
my heart  is sheding tears ,
but eyes are emotinless.

Night is saying everything,
but lips are wordless.

Why is this deep and dark night?
This world is gloomy,
and there  no hope in my eye sight..

Ohh! god where are you?
Ohh! sun where are you? 
I want to smile,I need sunshine.
A peace of mind,a problem free life.

A joy of my owns,
some moment of priceless.
Hoping of dreams 
and a night of cryless.

Ohh! moon where are you??
This night is burning without you.
I am missing your cold and white light.
A ray of hope,which make this night bright.
Your innocence face and 14 arts.
A night of happiness which you makes smarts.
Company of your always gives me relief,
In my pain,when I am alone,
When everyone is giving grief..
When this life is worthless...

I need you......
I need you......
Ohh god I need you,I need you.
Ohh! sun I need you,
Ohh moon I need you.......

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Zla India,the voice of your heart.Stay tuned always with Stories and poetries whoose hero would be you.Some feelings that attach your heart....๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

The story of me and my pen and the voice of your heart, which are collected in my diary. Some silent feelings, which makes us together Zla India.

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