Music Interesting Facts From Life

Music Interesting Facts From Life


Have you ever thought about music, if yes, then tell me. What does music impact on your life? And those impacts were positive or negative?
If I talk to you about music, it is a magical power in this world, which we are ignoring in our real life. I have listened it from many people, that music is the food of your soul, but I believed it only, when I realized it in my real life. Today I will tell you some interesting facts related to music. First, if we think from where music started, we have none proper data about it, but there are lots of examples related to the past which prove that music was very important and valuable in before century as well.
Music is not a word, it is changing people’s life every day. So let’s see some real facts related to music-
·                 If I talk about a research, which proved if we play music near to a patient, it is a chance to make him recover fifty percent earlier than usual.
·                 Music is the only thing in this world except god, which we like in both the situation, whether we are happy or sad.
·                 One of the most interesting facts, music is everywhere in this universe, we need to listen and feel it. Every sound in this world produces a different music, which we did not notice in our daily life.
·                 When we listen to music, there is a different trembling in our brain, which wipe out negative thoughts from our mind and gives positive energy, this is the reason, why patients  recover early.
·                 There is no language of music, if you listen a song, which lyrics are in a different language from yours, you will feel the same peace, when you will listen only music.
·                 People who have a problem of not sleeping, music is a therapy for them, it is proved that if those people listen music before sleep, they will get a good sleep, because music stop your thoughts completely.
·                 It relief pains of life, think about your life, when you were sad, and you listened music, it gave relaxation to your painful emotions, because when you listen to music your body exercise and it release a chemical called Endorphins. It interacts with your brain and reduce the perception of pain.
·                 Music is need of your heart and your life, people who listen music need not any meditation, because it concentrate your mind on a thought.
·                 Music makes your memory strong. It is interesting to listen that it makes strong your memory. It has proved by many psychologist that when you are depressed, it slows working power of your mind and makes you weak to recall the things.
·                 So what is your thinking about music now, what I told you is true, I experienced many things. In reality, music makes an effect on your life. If you have not noticed it till now, start experience, include music in your daily life. It will give you a happy and prosperous life. So be happy and keep smiling always!! Enjoy music in your life.

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